Amina Fondo
League: Mnarani
I come from Mnarani, a community in the rural Coast of Kenya in Kilifi County which is home to close to 300,000 women and girls. In my County only 20% of girls transit from primary to secondary school.
We are vulnerable on a number of levels. We are less visible and most of my friends are out of school with little or no education and poor knowledge of their rights, especially their sexual and reproductive rights. Many girls are now pregnant and others opt for an unsafe illegal abortion or commit to marriage while still seen as a ‘child’.
This situation has not been easy to live with, thanks to Moving The Goalposts, a sports for development organization that uses football to empower girls and young women. Together with my young sister we joined Moving The Goalposts to play football with fellow girls.
Football has become my hobby and I play it with passion. I have travelled far and wide in East Africa because of playing football. I received a scholarship to pursue my secondary education through football.
I live with my father who has been my great support after my mother passed away. He is very proud of me and always encourages me to continue playing football.
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