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The notion that men are superior and therefore should be given the opportunity to lead and enjoy all the advantages attendant to positions of leadership is firmly entrenched in various parts of Kenyan society.

However, proponents of gender equality have been working for many years with various declarations, policies and laws being put in place to show our society’s support for the idea of gender equality. The question then arises, is there a gender war on? Are men fighting against the advancement of women? Are women their own worst enemies in the struggle for advancement of the struggle by not supporting each other? What stands in the way of the feminist agenda?

To answer these questions, we must understand that the struggle is not between men and women, or female and male persons. The struggle is against patriarchy, which is a notion that can exist in any one of us, with no regard for the individuals’ gender.

It is therefore important and helpful to all of us working on the advancement of women’s rights to understand and accept this perspective as it helps to de-personalize the struggle. It enables us to continue to engage even when we meet gatekeepers who are women, whose actions hold back progress for other women.

Secondly, it enables us to continue and be strong even when those who are near and dear to us, such as our family and friends seem to push back against the things we are passionate about.

Lastly, it enables us to take up the support and partnership of men in the struggle for the advancement of women’s rights. As men who understand the need to support the cause for equal access to resources, they can be a great aid to our cause and help to move the key issues forward.





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