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"Do young and new employees feel prepared enough to deal with Gender-Based Violence at work? If your answer to this question is Yes or No I am glad you are here. 20 years ago, I walked on every door and space knocking to find employment. 

I can remember vividly, the joy I felt when I was accepted for my first job. First, the fulfillment of having some income, second, ending the anxiety of being unemployed and lastly the feeling that I now had a purpose in life. Feelings that were shortlived, as my workplace became a dark hole ready to shutter my Big dreams. In my first year of employment, I became very unhappy and harbored so much fear in and out of the organization. My workspace was unsafe,  I didn't know what to do, or who to tell and trust. 

Unfortunately, I still meet with young professionals who feel the same way today. There are no policies to protect them and sometimes where policies exist there's a gap in implementation. They are shuttered and wish things were better for them in the 21st Century. 

Fast Forward, as a leader of an organization I am consciously aware of this, I have created an environment that speaks to my younger self, that no young or new employee feels like I did 20 years ago. I don't take the anti-GBV policies for granted, I ensure that we have created safe spaces where all employees feel confident to report and share their GBV experiences. I know the power of induction and when I am inducting an employee I make sure that the conversation on GBV at the workplace is among the key topics.

I am happy when an employee leaves the induction session knowing that as an organization we do not expect them to compromise their rights for its sake. 

I hope we can all create work environments that are Free from GBV."

Dorcas Amakobe

Executive Director 

Moving The Goalposts

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